What to do if the CRA gets you in its crosshairs and reviews or audits your taxes
If you find a dreaded audit or review notice from the Canada Revnue Agency (CRA) in your mailbox, you need to take immediate action. With an increase in audit activity, Canadians may find that it is often as a result of something unusual in your filing that triggered CRA to want to take a closer look. It’s also important to make the distinction between a review, which is usually a request for additional information, and an audit, which is a more serious and deeper look into your numbers. Responding to their request and co-operating by sending in the documentation they request can generally resolve most investigations. If you’re unsure what they’re asking or require assistance, then be sure to have all your receipts and documentation or check with a professional before you respond.
Read more: What to do if the CRA gets you in its crosshairs and reviews or audits your taxes